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Williamston Hornet Baseball_edited_edite

Your financial contributions have enabled us to provide essential resources, equipment, and facilities that contribute to the growth and development of our Hornet Baseball players. Your generosity fosters a sense of pride and belonging, creating an environment where our athletes can thrive. We are truly grateful to have parents, businesses and community members as partners on this journey now and into the future.

Provided the Following:

  • New Jerseys

  • New Game Pants

  • Game Hats and Belts

  • Practice Baseballs

  • Hitting Tees

  • Hitting Fungo Bats

  • Hack Attack Pitching Machine

  • Arm Care Recovery Tools

  • Weighted and Plyo Balls for Pitching Development

  • New Sponsorship Banners

  • Game Day Meals for Players and Coaches

Baseball Youth Day Camp

Williamston Baseball Youth Day!

Future Projects

WHS Batting cage project

Building a Roofed Batting Cage – Where Rainouts Become Rare and Home Runs Soar!"  

Our dream is to build state-of-the-art batting cages, and we believe that adding a roof to it is not just a luxury but a necessity. Let me share with you why a roofed batting cage is a game-changer for our players and the entire baseball community.


1. Weather Protection: Baseball is a sport that knows no weather constraints, but practicing in adverse conditions can pose challenges. With a roofed batting cage, our players can sharpen their skills irrespective of rain, scorching sun, or unpredictable weather. No longer will our training sessions be at the mercy of the elements.


2. Year-Round Training: Imagine having the ability to train all year round! A covered batting cage will provide a controlled environment, allowing our players to practice consistently, regardless of the season. This translates to better-prepared athletes, ready to face any competition that comes their way.


3. Player Development: For our budding talents, having a roof over the batting cage is more than just weather protection – it's an investment in their development. A dedicated space for year-round practice means more swings, more pitches, and more opportunities for improvement. It's about shaping not just athletes but resilient, disciplined individuals.


4. Community Hub: Our facility is not just for our team; it's a community hub for all baseball enthusiasts. A roofed batting cage opens its doors to youth leagues, aspiring players, and even the casual enthusiast. It becomes a place where the love for baseball is nurtured, and dreams are given a chance to flourish.


5. A Legacy of Support: By contributing to our cause, you are leaving a lasting legacy for generations of players to come. Your support is more than just a donation; it's an investment in the future of our community's athletes. Together, we can build something that extends beyond the boundaries of the baseball field.


How You Can Help: We invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Your financial support will be instrumental in making our roofed batting cage a reality. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to creating a transformative space for our players and the entire baseball community. Thank you for your generous support!



PO box 395, Williamston, MI 48895


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